Hey there! Welcome to Artificially Intelligent Claire!
You know how when you’re trying to build a career in machine learning it’s really hard not to get overwhelmed?
I’ve been there.
As a self-taught programmer and data lover, I know this feeling well.
What you need is for someone to give you a map. A map that helps you get from where you are to building something impactful with AI.
Ok, so I don’t exactly have a map.
But I have gone through the pain of finding my way in machine learning. Now I have developed the Newbie, Guide Me, Grow Me method to help you do the same.
This three-stage process takes you from never having written a line of code, through to building your own strategic portfolio of machine learning projects that can help you get a job in data science.
I developed the Newbie, Guide Me, Grow Me method to remove overwhelm and help you take on the data-driven world with impact.
This three-stage process takes you from never having written a line of code, through to building your own strategic portfolio of machine learning projects that can help you get a job in data science.
My name is Claire, and I’m on a mission to help passionate developers and other millennials excited by the opportunities in AI have an impact.
Helping smart, proactive people have is my passion!
Through my online resources and masterminds that will help you push through the overwhelm and crack being Artificially Intelligent!
Where are you now?
My journey into coding and machine learning
Have you ever felt that you don’t quite fit in?
Maybe you’re here because you’re interested in AI but feel like there’s no way that someone with your background, can understand something so complicated.
Believe me; I know how you feel.
I am a self-taught programmer without a developer background. Two years ago, I had never even written a line of code!

At Uni I studied Chemistry and have always been fascinated by science. I love to understand how things work and reverse engineer problems.
When I’m not studying artificial intelligence, however, you can find me roaming the streets of South East London. I will be looking for hidden gems and brunch spots!
My friends are always teasing me about my love of all things nerdy. They also joke about how much I care about my houseplants! I am a truly dedicated plant mum and proud of it!
Ok enough about plants….
Finding my way in machine learning
Excited by all the hype I heard about AI and machine learning in the tech company where I work, I moved into a team who were experimenting with that technology.
I instantly fell in love!
AI had so much potential for good, and you can be so creative with it. I was happy.
However, I became increasingly concerned with the narrative on AI from politicians and the media.
Compelled to take action!
Many share messages about artificial intelligence that are at best, misleading, and often inaccurate.
Under normal circumstances, I have been content(ish) to sit on the sidelines cursing those with the microphone for spreading their ‘fake news.’ I would hope for them to see the error of their ways and look at the data knowing they wouldn’t.
But with the seemingly infinite potential of AI, I felt compelled to take action.
That’s when I started my blog, Artificially Intelligent Claire, a source of truth and inspiration for people interested in learning about AI.
Discovering unique skill
As I started learning to code and getting more experience with ML, I was surprised to realise I had a skill that gave me an advantage over other learners.
In particular, when I reached the stage where I was ready to start trying out my machine learning projects, my special skills became apparent.
I was delighted to find how quickly I was able to pick up projects.
Concepts such as feature engineering and identify the algorithms I needed came easy to me.
I realised I knew things other people at my stage didn’t.
My background in reverse engineering problems, ability to build frameworks alongside coupled with my years of experience across business and tech gave me a huge advantage.
Realising I can help you
When you have a step by step framework to follow, building out a machine learning project is much easier.
But what scared me was that nobody was teaching people how to do this.
Yes, highly experienced data scientists could do this and answer questions for newbies.
But nobody was giving people the process they need.
This process would make it easy for them to solve problems of feature engineering and project design on their own.
It reminds me of that phrase, give a man a fish, and they’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and they’ll eat for life.
Nobody was teaching these passionate devs how to fish!

I saw a massive gap in the education of developers. This gap meant they aren’t able to make the most of their skills from a business and impact perspective.
Having hit upon this, I quickly shared my findings with some of the more senior people I knew running tech teams at my company.
I was expecting shock and awe what I got was…
‘Yer we know.’
Is this gap a known issue?
I couldn’t believe it.
It was then I realised I had to re-work my plans for Artificially Intelligent Claire so I could help.
Why weren’t more people talking about this?
I frequently meet people who feel lost in the world of AI. These incredible and talented people are unable to make the most of their skills.
Feeling motivated by discussions with them and other senior leaders I know in tech, I changed my approach to Artificially Intelligent Claire.
This blog is going to be the go-to resource to help developers and other millennials excited by the opportunities in AI have an impact.
I am fortunate to be in the unique position that I have worked both sides of the coin, business and tech.
Through my experience, I know the tricks and processes that will help people wanting to ramp up quickly and have a real impact.
I know the power of shifting your mindset.
And now I can teach you!
How do I know you can help me, Claire?
If your passionate about developing AI with impact but your not sure how to start, I can help you. Whether you’re just setting out learning to code or have experience in data science, I have resources that will help you have real impact faster.
Without overwhelming you with information, you will learn the frameworks to reverse engineer your problems from an impact perspective with ease.
From Artificially Intelligent Claire, you can expect to get:
- Honest reviews of online courses to teach you to program
- Open portrayals of the highs and lows of learning new skills as well as how to stay motivated
- Introductions to a variety of ways people and companies are using artificial intelligence to make our lives better (written in normal person speak!)
- Career tips and processes that will get you to the next level
- Most importantly, you can laugh. Humour is so important to me, and I want you to have as much fun reading this blog as I do writing it!
- Community - meet like-minded, passionate people and join the brand new Facebook group!
Sound good?
Ok Let’s get started
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